
Stories Are Everywhere

I see stories everywhere, and I’m certain all writers say that, but look what I found! I don’t remember seeing it when we went into our Friday Date Coffee Shop, but when I was on my way to go outside to people-watch, it smiled at me, and I was shocked!

I have never seen a Short Story Dispenser before, and I was surprised I was the only one admiring its beauty and genius. There are three buttons: Press 1 for a short, 1-minute story; 2, for a 3-minute story; 3, for a children’s story. So, I did, and the dispenser printed out my selected story on paper that reminded me of one of the long receipts that some retail stores print, except the stories were interesting. (looking at you, national drug store chain, and you know who you are.)

The short 1-minute story was an enjoyable poem that I read in seconds.

The 3-minute story was not a quick read. I read it several times because of the depth of the science fiction survival story, and every time I read it, I caught another nuance. Wow.

The children’s story was interesting and funny, and I laughed. I don’t know if anyone in the coffee shop noticed because it didn’t matter to me. I half-expected someone to join me and ask what was so funny, but maybe they waited until after I left to get their own story.

The graphic at the top of the Short Story Dispenser is the logo for the Thomas County Public Library System. Well played, Librarians!

When Farmer Man joined me, I was really excited about the Story Dispenser and told him all about it and the stories, and he listened. He’s a keeper.



Have you noticed there’s a new book on the block?

Dilemma: The original Grid Down Survival story made its appearance in 2018 as a Young Adult book, THE GIRL WHO SAW CLOUDS. The book was a blend of the stories of Major Dave Elliott and his granddaughter, Aimee Louise, but didn’t quite reach all the  readers who would enjoy the story.

Easy Fix: A “Major” (did you see what I did there?) adjustment, and DANGER IN THE CLOUDS expanded to focus on more of Major’s story and was released in January 2019.

A Series is Born: DANGER IN THE CLOUDS became Book 1 of the GRID DOWN SURVIVAL SERIES in 2020 when DANGER IN THE WIND, Book 2 was published. Watch for Book 5 in June 2022!

Dilemma: The Girl Who Saw Clouds still had a lot of non-YA adulty boring stuff.

Fun Fix:  THE GIRL WHO SAW CLOUDS underwent a huge Minor (get it?) rewrite, and THE GIRL WHO SAW CLOUDS, SECOND EDITION was released in January 2022.

Related to A Series is Actually A Thing: Because THE GIRL WHO SAW CLOUDS is the same story as Book 1, except it’s from Aimee Louise’s point of view, the next book to read is DANGER IN THE WIND, Book 2.

Your Dilemma: Should you read both DANGER IN THE CLOUDS and THE GIRL WHO SAW CLOUDS? Aren’t they exactly alike? It’s up to you because both books tell the same basic story, and you’ll know what happens next and how the book ends. There won’t be any surprises for you except remember that even if two people go through an experience together, their points of view are different. Your choice, but either way, if you enjoy one or both of the books, you can continue on with DANGER IN THE WIND.

Friendly Fix: Confused? Tell me what confused you, and maybe I can help!


No Coconut Trees in Georgia

Here’s a hack you won’t find anywhere else!

When you are at a school library in Georgia and you are discussing the differences in plants and trees between the Florida Everglades and South Georgia, NEVER dispute a second-grader. For example, coconut trees in Georgia? Pay attention to the seven-year-old expert.

Readers always win.