
Celebrating Autumn

Cotton smaller clipped Sept 23 2022

Our neighbor on one side of us planted cotton this year. He plants later than other farmers because he farms on the weekends and in the evenings, so while other farmers are harvesting, I watch the transformation of the cotton plants.

The flowers are white very briefly, only 24 hours or so, then they self-pollinate and become a vivid fuchsia before they wither and die after another 24-36 hours. While the wind blows away the brown petals, the boll begins to form. The bolls are green at first then turn purple then brown. The protective part of the boll dries then opens as the cotton grows, and the cotton fiber spills out.

Do you see the puffy balls of cotton? They are deceptive because they aren’t soft at all. There are seeds inside the cotton, which actually make the cotton fruit. Who knew, right?

I walk around our field three or four times a day to stretch my legs between writing sprints, so I’ve seen each stage of the cotton growing next door. It’s a glorious celebration of cotton bolls at the farm!


16 Post-Apocalyptic Novels of Survival

All 16 are FREE May 22-26

What is Post-Apocalyptic?

The “code word” for Post Apocalyptic is TEOTWAWKI: The End Of The World As We Know It caused by catastrophic disasters of political upheaval, nuclear annihilation, or  power grid collapse from an EMP, solar flare, or hacker attack.

Sound grim? It would be if that’s all it was. BOOM. The End. 

But Post-Apocalyptic Novels focus on unlikely heroes with skills and flaws who struggle with the challenges and fight to survive. Our heroes might be knocked down by the sheer magnitude of TEOTWAWKI, but their slivers of hope don’t die. 


The International Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors banded together for a rare opportunity for you to pick and choose one or sixteen of their best post-apocalyptic books that are free only from May 22 – May 26. 

Tap the link to sign up choose your books and there’s a bonus of an extra 5 books when you sign up!




Not Your Typical Friday Date Night

Some people go out on the town for Friday Date Night. We drive twenty miles into town for our Friday Date Morning.


We go to Grassroots Coffee for coffee, cinnamon rolls, and exciting computer and conversation time.  I frequently interrupt his computer time with a question or two that turns into a long, interesting to us discussion. My latest questions: When the grid is down, can I move a ham radio to a house when it is currently installed in a truck? How do I power it? We didn’t have any people stop by to listen to our absolutely fascinating discussion. They were either in awe of the intensity of our Friday Date conversation or befuddled by our novelist/consultant survivalist lingo.

Notice the cinnamon roll? It’s truly the best in town. I don’t know whether they actually use Maggie’s cinnamon roll recipe, but it certainly tastes exactly like the ones I make at home. There’s nothing like a homemade cinnamon roll and Grassroots special blend coffee for a stellar Friday Date.

If you can read my computer screen, you know my ham radio questions came from my almost finished novel. The answers are in DANGER AT THE FARM, Grid Down Survival Series, Book 5, which will be released on May 27. Preorder DANGER AT THE FARM now, and you won’t have to try to remember the date.


While you wait for May 27…

If you aren’t familiar with the Grid Down Survival Series, now is the perfect time to read DANGER IN THE CLOUDS, Book 1.

MAJOR DAVE ELLIOTT’s farm becomes a refuge and target after the abrupt collapse of the power grid and economy. His autistic granddaughter’s gift to see danger thwarts attacks on the farm. But when lawlessness rules, Major is determined to expose the treacherous plan to control the US government. Will he succeed where others have so tragically failed and died?



Have you noticed there’s a new book on the block?

Dilemma: The original Grid Down Survival story made its appearance in 2018 as a Young Adult book, THE GIRL WHO SAW CLOUDS. The book was a blend of the stories of Major Dave Elliott and his granddaughter, Aimee Louise, but didn’t quite reach all the  readers who would enjoy the story.

Easy Fix: A “Major” (did you see what I did there?) adjustment, and DANGER IN THE CLOUDS expanded to focus on more of Major’s story and was released in January 2019.

A Series is Born: DANGER IN THE CLOUDS became Book 1 of the GRID DOWN SURVIVAL SERIES in 2020 when DANGER IN THE WIND, Book 2 was published. Watch for Book 5 in June 2022!

Dilemma: The Girl Who Saw Clouds still had a lot of non-YA adulty boring stuff.

Fun Fix:  THE GIRL WHO SAW CLOUDS underwent a huge Minor (get it?) rewrite, and THE GIRL WHO SAW CLOUDS, SECOND EDITION was released in January 2022.

Related to A Series is Actually A Thing: Because THE GIRL WHO SAW CLOUDS is the same story as Book 1, except it’s from Aimee Louise’s point of view, the next book to read is DANGER IN THE WIND, Book 2.

Your Dilemma: Should you read both DANGER IN THE CLOUDS and THE GIRL WHO SAW CLOUDS? Aren’t they exactly alike? It’s up to you because both books tell the same basic story, and you’ll know what happens next and how the book ends. There won’t be any surprises for you except remember that even if two people go through an experience together, their points of view are different. Your choice, but either way, if you enjoy one or both of the books, you can continue on with DANGER IN THE WIND.

Friendly Fix: Confused? Tell me what confused you, and maybe I can help!


More than Ever…Survival


A killer obsessed with hate seeks revenge.

Stuart and Aimee Louise scrap their plans to return to Florida when their neighbors fall victim to home invasions and murder. After the ruthless gang halts all travel with roadblocks and the attacks escalate, Stuart and Aimee Louise suspect someone on their team is the target. When the callous enemy closes in, Stuart and Aimee Louise plan their own attack.

Stuart, Aimee Louise, and Rosalie stayed in Georgia because lawlessness still rules. No electricity has become the new normal as their fight for survival continues in Book 4 of the Grid Down Survival saga.

GRID DOWN SURVIVAL is best enjoyed by starting with Book 1: DANGER IN THE CLOUDS as our SURVIVAL heroes grow with each new adventure.

DangerInThe CloudsBuy    DangerInThe WindBuy DangeronThe RoadBuy DangerinTheFieldBuy



How Would You Survive?

Are you ready to read an awesome book that will help you check your survival skills?  What will you do when the power grid goes down? No internet, no social media, grocery stores run out of food in three days, gas pumps won’t work. End of the world as we know it.  How would you survive?

DANGER IN THE CLOUDS is Survivalist Science Fiction with a touch of supernatural.

Major Dave Elliott’s quiet farm life abruptly changes after a cyber-attack takes down the US power grid. When the criminal conspiracy expands to target his family, Major goes on the attack.



The Major Cover 6x9 Jul 2 2019 ebook cover version 20


For the first time, the DANGER IN THE CLOUDS paperback is now available for purchase by local book stores, big box and other large stores, small boutique shops, and libraries through wholesale book distributors in addition to being available for readers on Amazon.

The cover for DANGER IN THE CLOUDS was updated for the wholesale distribution. The eBook remains exclusive on Amazon Kindle as a FREE Book for Kindle Unlimited readers.

SO what does this mean? It means you can go to your local bookstore and tell them you loved DANGER IN THE CLOUDS and know others would too. NOW the bookstore can order two or three copies at wholesale and sell them in their shop!

If you’ve already read the MAJOR and AIMEE LOUISE cover book, DON’T buy the STORM CLOUD new-cover book because the story inside is the same! NO change to the story!  And if you haven’t read DANGER IN THE CLOUDS, ahem. Link to DANGER IN THE CLOUDS on AMAZON

Just a gentle reminder, if you’ve read and loved Major’s story and would like to leave a review but haven’t quite gotten around to it yet, PLEASE do! Here’s the link to leave a review! YOUR REVIEW FOR DANGER IN THE CLOUDS

What about a series? Would you be interested in hearing more about Pedro, Jennie, and Gordo? Wouldn’t that be a great Book 2? What should the series be called? (Need a little help with this!)

Major and Aimee Louise Cover

The original cover

Storm Cloud Cover

New! Updated cover

If you’re interested in the technical reasons for the change, let me know. I’m always happy to share what I’ve learned with others, especially other Indie Authors who self-publish or publish with an Indie publisher. Contact Me!


Book Table at the Ham Radio Fest


This was my second year to have a table at a local area Ham Radio “Hamfest.” As a ham radio operator, it’s a great excuse to see the electronics, antennas, and other radio equipment for sale. As an author, it’s a great opportunity to be out in my community, talking about and selling my books.

My favorite:

Ham Operator picks up DANGER IN THE CLOUDS: This book looks interesting. Does it have a ham radio operator in it?

We chat about the services ham radio operators provided during recent hurricanes.

Ham Operator reads back cover: Whoa! This is you! You’re the author! I’ve never met an actual author! If I buy the book, will you sign it?

Me: Certainly. <Squealing inside!>

** ** **

Sales were good, and the conversations were fun. Looking forward to another year!